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JDP Spokesmodels- Pajama Party!

As you may already know (because I've been obsessing over it on every social media platform), I took a leap of faith and started my first spokesmodel program. It turns out that running your own business isn't as easy as it sounds. I wish I could just call myself a photographer, quit my job, and become successful overnight. But the truth is, especially as a creative, it takes a lot more than an Instagram post and a nice camera to run a successful business. One crucial point I've learned is that you need human connection. Forming real, sincere relationships with people is what makes a great photographer a successful business leader (they did not teach me this in FBLA!). Therefore, it seemed like just the thing to do at this point in my photography career!

A spokesmodel program can do so much for not only your own business, but other local businesses that you love and support. After just the very first session I've formed so many friendships with local business owners (keep reading to find out who!), PLUS met some amazing girls who I get to photograph all year!

I wanted to do this for so many reasons, but the most fulfilling is getting to look at the final product and being able to feel how much fun everyone is having doing this together. We get to be silly and easy-going for a few hours out of the day, and feel beautiful and girly doing it. Yes, I said girly. Everyone knows it's a great time. :)

So, for session number one, I wanted to do something laid back and fun! ..I'm really upset that rhymed. ANYWAY,

A pajama party seemed so right for this, and it was so successful!! Who wouldn't want to hang out with their girlfriends, eat donuts, and have someone do their hair and makeup, all while in your jam-jams?

I have been so lucky to have so many people trusting in me with this, and without their contributions, it wouldn't have been the same. Thank you:

Jordan- for always gracing me with your make-up artistry!

Brittany- for making such naturally beautiful hairstyles!

Amy- for brightening up the room with your amazing florals!

and of course, Sunrise Donuts- for keeping everyone fed and happy!

Stay tuned for session number two!

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