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New Year, New Me: An Image Makeover

So here’s the thing.

I wanted to change things up. Everything I was delivering I’d think, “eh, it’s fine.” *send gallery*

And that’s. Not. Okay.

So during my off season I’ve been re-editing hundreds of photos over and over like a crazy person. My screen time this week has got to be more than it’s been since I first started three years ago and spent 35 minutes per image in Photoshop. Then I discovered Lightroom was a thing (Command, sync- you saved my life).

I don’t have much more to say about this because my brain is dead and I have been staring at this computer screen for days but heck yeah for blue light prescription glasses because my eyes would be burning by now and they aren’t!!!!

Basically I just want to put it all out there in a blog post for you, friends, because I want to hear some of your thoughts, opinions, questions, concerns….

Here they are!

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