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Best of 2017

I don't even want to talk about this time last year. When I look at what I used to deliver to clients, it makes me want to cringe. But my production from May of last year to now? I'm pretty proud of my progress. As ALL creatives should be. From photographers to musicians, improvement is a constant in the artist world. We're constantly growing and reflecting and changing, rinse and repeat. I think that's what I love so much about what I do. Aside from all of the beautiful people I've been lucky enough to put in front of my camera.

I'm going to go through my favorite shoots of 2017 and share highlights from all of them. Grab a drink, a snack, and enjoy!

Rilee and I pretty much having the most fun ever??? Looking flawless, as usual.

The lighting we were gifted on this day was so perfect. ugh.

She's so cute!!!

Ok, so even Devony knows that this shoot was one of my all time favorites. I mean?? Just look at her go!

Golden hour gives me ALL of the heart eyes!!

And these perfect sunflowers by @amymarieevents.

Kayla's Ballet shoot with Jordan. Thanks Jordan for introducing me to such talented and fun people, especially ones that let me take their pictures doing what's most special to them.

I just... love these. Okay?

Side note: KAYLA, you always dress so trendy and cute and I just *cannot even*

I love them, because they made my job so easy, even though they didn't know it.

This one!! Such a favorite.

This shoot is especially special to me because it is my first one with my new camera! I was so excited with these, and it was such a beautiful day for this.

Jordan's outfits are always on point too! New goal for 2018- look as good as the people I photograph.


my best friend, my soulmate, and the Ilana to my Abbi (props if you get the reference)

I love the framing of this photo!

There is so much more I could have added to this post! I have loved every moment in front of my camera this year. Lets keep it going! So much love for what I do.


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