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Life Update: How I'm Doing

Happy Wednesday! As I’m sitting here in a corner of Barnes and Noble wondering why they don’t have any electrical sockets to plug my laptop into except for a not-so-cozy back corner by the adult coloring books, I’m also trying to decide what to blog about this week. I don’t have any upcoming sessions until tomorrow, so today’s post is going to be a little personal! Because I KNOW that’s what you’re all thinking on a Wednesday night- what the heck is Jamie up to right now? How is she doing?

I’m well! Life never goes as planned, so I figured I’d let you in on how this whole “full time photography business” thing is treating me.

Before I begin, I want to start by saying this- I am still happy and at peace with my decision to do this. I’ve never been a religious person, I’d classify myself as more spiritual- and I can feel within me that this is what I’m supposed to be doing. I am at a time in my life where I am needed more at home now than ever, and this decision allows me to be at home and at work at the same time. I love that about it. I love that I can make my own schedule, but that is also the hardest part. So I’ve learned a few tricks to keep me on track during my work week so I don’t get distracted at home!

One thing that helps immensely is to close myself off in my office. I intentionally made it a cozy space that I enjoy being in (for long hours). That way, I don’t feel it’s necessary to leave my creative space often during the day. Just give me some calming Pandora radio, a cup of tea, some snacks, my pup… I’m good all day.

The second thing that keeps me on track is to remove myself from my office! I know that sounds so contradicting, but hear me out- sometimes I’ve just been in my office all week and I don’t even want to open the door. I get antsy to leave the house, to drive, to walk around, to be around humans. So I take my office to Starbucks or Barnes and Noble for the day. And because I made the trip, I make sure it’s worthwhile. Like I’m doing now!

***INCOMING SAPPYNESS*** Another thing that helps is having someone here to pump me up! Roman is the best male cheerleader I’ve ever known, and I’m so lucky to get to call him my husband in a few months. He is truly crucial to my success. Not only does he cheer me on before he leaves to go to work every day, but he joins me at every wedding day he can and is the best assistant I could ever ask for. He loves it almost as much as I do, and we make the perfect team. I’m not saying I couldn’t do it alone… but it wouldn’t be nearly as fun. ;)

***Another disclaimer- I'm about to be pretty transparent about my real life goals, regardless of how unachievable or ridiculous they may sound!***

Speaking of Roman and I, if you know us you know that our life plan changes every two weeks. We’ve recently been discussing where I want to take my photography business, and since going full time, I’ve had a lot of quiet moments to myself to really ponder on that. I want my business to serve Roman and me in the best way possible. I want it to not just be a moneymaker, but a lifestyle. The lifestyle we strive for looks a little something like this:

and the photographers that inspire me shoot images that look a little something like this: (click arrows to see more)

Our conclusion? (and five year goal)

Move to a tiny cabin in the mountains. Photograph couples eloping against breathtaking scenery. Tiny weddings in the mountains near where we live, but also photograph special events across the country, across the world- because hey, we live in a tiny cabin, not only for the aesthetic, but also so we can put all the extra money towards travel. Serve our community with good hearts and adventurous souls. Make art not only for the benefit of others, but also to heal ourselves. Own at least two dogs at all times. And every now and then, have a little too much fun when friends come by.

It seems impossible, but it’s not. Nothing is. It’s our five-year plan. In the meantime, I plan to take as many small photography-centered trips as possible to build my portfolio to be how I envision it. I’m so excited for that.

So that is how my business is going. It has sparked so many creative dreams of mine that I never knew I had- if I was still working my boring 9 to 5 I don’t think I would have ever realized it. And if I did realize it, it would have seemed too out of reach to even consider.

So keep on the lookout for my upcoming destination sessions! They will show you a peek into my head and tell a bigger story about my dreams.

Thanks for always believing in me!


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